Xindia Steels Limited is a pathbreaking joint venture of 2 major state owned entities of China, with Indian investors. With its expansion plan it now has new partners from USA and China.
- Xingxing Cathay International Group Co. Ltd. (China)
- China Minmetals Corporation (China)
- Kelachandra Group (India)
- Manasara Group (India)
- Mcwane Inc (USA)
- Hongda Iron & Steel Group (China)
- The Joinus Venture Capital Company Ltd. (China)
Xingxing Cathay International Group
A USD 12 billion conglomerate, Xinxing is among the top 500 corporations in China.
Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Co. Ltd. is listed in the Shanghai Exchange and is the largest ductile iron pipe manufacturer in China and the second largest in the world.
Jihua Group Corporation Limited is listed in the Shanghai Exchange and is the largest uniform and occupational footwear producer in China.
The Xingxing Cathay International Group has multi-locational manufacturing facilities for :
- Ductile Iron Pipes
- Textile, Clothing and Footwear
- Steel Plant and Equipments
The group also has interests in business verticals such as Trading & Logistics and Real Estate.
China Minmetals Corporation Established in 1950, CMC is a fortune 500 company and is one of the largest global mineral and metal trading companies. With revenues of over USD 38 billion, CMC have over 40 successful joint ventures across the world.
They are a global trading house for:
- Metals & Minerals
- Mining
- Electrical
- Finance
- Real Estate
- Shipping
- Engineering Projects
Kelachandra Group
A multifaceted business group, with interests in real estate, apparel, hospitality, travel and agricultural commodities such as spices, coffee and rubber.
Manasara Group
Investors in telecom, software, steel and infrastructure companies. They are also associated with several charitable and philanthrophic activities
New Investors
- Mcwane Inc - Mcwane Inc (USA) - A USD 2.2 billion industrial conglomerate with 27+ manufacturing plants in the USA, Canada, Australia, Chile, India & China. Numero Uno porducers of Ductile Iron Pipes, fittings, valves, Hydrants, Soil Pipe and Fire Supression systems in North America.
- Hongda Iron & Steel Group - is based out of China and has plants manufacturing Cement, Coke thru Coke oven Batteries and Steel.
- The Joinus Venture Capital Company Ltd - A Venture Capital company from China with interests in Mining, Steel and Power Sector.